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    How does mountain spring water processing ultrafiltration equipment work? 


    Drinking a proper amount of mineral water can supplement the mineral elements that our body lacks and make our body healthier. How does mineral water come from? In fact, mineral water comes from mineral rich groundwater or mountain spring water. Before being processed, the water contains a lot of impurities and pollutants. In order to let people drink safely, we need to use our ultrafiltration coagulation sedimentation equipment.

    How does the ultrafiltration coagulation sedimentation equipment turn the water containing impurities into drinkable mineral water? Let's take a look:

    1. First of all, in order to enable the coagulation and sedimentation equipment to operate normally for a period of time, and to precipitate the raw water to a certain extent, we will inject the raw water into the raw water tank for pretreatment;

    2. The raw water is injected into the multi-media filter box through the raw water pump, and then the visible sundries, microorganisms and peculiar smell of the raw water are carefully treated in the multi-media filter box;

    3. The filtered water then enters the precision filter for further and finer filtration, and then the water is injected into the sterilization system equipment to sterilize the basically completed mineral water;

    How does the ultrafiltration coagulation sedimentation equipment work in mountain spring water processing?

    4. The produced mineral water is put into the pure water tank for storage, and then distributed through various production filling lines.

    This kind of mineral water is the most beneficial to the human body. Natural mineral water has not undergone any changes in the nature of water. Another kind of mineral water is the mineral water that adds pure water to the elements needed by the human body through medium conversion. During the production of the coagulation and sedimentation equipment, a medium penetration layer will be added to exchange various elements according to the proportion, and finally the content needed by the human body will be obtained.

    In contrast, the benefits of natural mineral water are more prominent. Although the artificial mineral water is more targeted, many other media in the water are filtered, which cannot bring all the necessities to the human body.

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