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Desalted water complete equipment 

Desalted water complete equipment


Ultrafiltration: further remove impurities such as suspended solids, colloids, slimes, microorganisms, and macromolecular organics that can cause fouling and blocking of the reverse osmosis membrane, and meet the requirement that the SDI of reverse osmosis influent water is less than 5. The complete ultrafiltration device includes backwashing pump, backwashing dosing device, chemical cleaning device, etc.

Reverse osmosis device (RO device for short) is a key equipment in the desalination system. The device uses membrane separation technology to remove most ions, SiO2, etc. in the water, greatly reducing TDS. RO is to pass a part of raw water through the membrane in the direction perpendicular to the membrane, the salt and colloidal substances in the water will be concentrated on the membrane surface, and the remaining part of raw water will carry away the concentrated substances in the direction parallel to the membrane, and self clean during operation. The greater the water flux and the higher the recovery rate of the membrane element, the higher the degree of concentration on the membrane surface. Due to the concentration, the material concentration at the membrane surface is different from that in the main flow, resulting in agricultural polarization. Concentration polarization will make the concentration of salt on the membrane surface high, increase the osmotic pressure of the membrane, and cause the increase of salt permeability. In order to increase the pressure of water supply, more energy is required. At this time, the cleaning method should be used for recovery.

The qualified raw water after pretreatment enters the membrane module placed in the pressure vessel. The water molecules and a small amount of small molecular weight organics pass through the membrane layer and are concentrated through the collection pipeline before being led to the production pipe and then injected into the reverse osmosis water tank. On the contrary, those that cannot pass through will be concentrated through another set of collection pipes and then led to the concentrated water discharge pipe, which will be discharged into the concentrated water collection tank. A series of control valves, monitoring instruments and programmable operating systems are installed on the water inlet, water production and concentrated water pipes of the system, which will ensure the long-term systematic operation of the equipment with quality and quantity guaranteed.

The complete reverse osmosis system includes lift pump, security filter, high-pressure pump, reverse osmosis device body, flushing device, supporting dosing, chemical cleaning system, etc.

[Process flow of demineralized water (boiler make-up water)]

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